5 Youtube Talents (Halimsaputra's Version)

Hi Guys, i'm back to update this blog.. Well, since i'm getting busy with some job and assignments, i almost forget that i have this blog.. haha.. Because english is really important in life, so i need to excercise it, and i'll try it in this blog.. So, this time I will write about "Youtube Talents" using english.. Hope you enjoy it..

Lately, i like to do some youtube searching, mostly is about football goals and musics.. From football, i found that arsenal have a beatuifull goals and teamwork..=) and from musics i found some video that uploaded by some talented people here that trying to be popular through youtube.. Yeah, as we know youtube is kind of media that can be used to express yourself and exposed your talents..

In my version, at least there are five youtube talents that i found here (if you found another please tell me, i'll check it out). Most of them are good at doing mashups and covers of  another songs, mostly top 40 songs..  Some of them has a very beautiful voices,  some of them has the ability to present the song in an unique way. And maybe in a few upcoming years they are gonna be a star, not only in youtube!=) Of course CHARICE is the best, but she is famous not because of youtube, so i don't categorized her here..=) In this post, i will give you each singer ONE link of their best video (and again, the best here means according to my opinion). So, here we come! The first one is my favorite..=)

1. Sam Tsui
    Sam is a chinese-american singer that was born in May 2, 1989. According to my opinion, he has a very good voice, especially a sharp high voice. With his friend, Kurt Schneider, he rearrange a song and perform it together, and make a really good video. Most of time, kurt is playing guitar or piano for sam. Their cover for the musics is very good, i think some of their covers are better than the original one.
For you girls, you might love him becausse he has a cute asian-american face, but unfortunately there is a rumor that he is a gay (i don't know for sure)

He already have some original singles titled Start Again and Don't Want An Ending, hope he'll release an album someday. Some songs that he already covered are Firework,Dynamite,Grenade (MASHUPS),Fireflies, King of Anything, Replay, Just A Dream (ft. Christina Grimmie), Hold it Against Me, Born This Way, and according to my ears the best one is Love The Way You Lie, Dynamite, Teenage Dream Mashups,! This is the link --> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HkHJ2-zoSB4

2. Christina Grimmie
Christina Grimmie
    I realized Christina Grimmie when i watched Sam Tsui's Just A Dream Cover Video. She do duet with sam in this song. This video is watched with over 20 millions people. This american girl was born in March 12, 1994. In youtube she is known as zeldaxlove64, i don't know what that name's stand for, maybe she likes to play zelda.. haha.. Compared to sam's video, she has the lower quality of video. If sam's have the guitar, drums, keyboard, multi angle camera, chrisstina is always doing it with her keyboard and record her video in one shot angle (so boring), but her voice not too bad. When i listened to her voice, i think she choose Christina Aguilera as her ideal figure of singer, ins some parts she try to do Aguilera's singing style (and now, i just realize that they have the same name haha..) She already do some cover songs such as Grenade, E.T, Perfect, Party In USA, Forget You, and i think her best video is when she do duet with sam tsui, it's Nelly's Just a Dream. Check this out! You'll like it! --> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PT8gcZh_42w 

3. Nick Pitera
Nick Pitera
    So, let's start with the UNIQUE voices! It's Nick Pitera!=) Nick is a man who can sing in two voices, man and woman voice. His falseto is good so he can change his voice quite smooth. In some part he sounds really like a woman singing. He already do some covers with his "woman" voices included there, such as Kelly Clarkson's "Already Gone" that mixed with Beyonce's "Halo", Cover of I will Always Love You by whitney Houston, One Man Disney Movie. His best video in youtube is the movie soundtrack of Aladdin - A whole new world, it hits over 20 million viewers! haha.. This is the link --> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t9-CS2v8wcc He also already did a duet with Sam Tsui.

4. Mike Tompkins
Mike Tompkins
    This guy has a creative way to present a song. Not the best voice, bet the best idea to make us drop our jaws,  opened our eyes, and say "How did he do that?".. haha.. What's so special about him? It's his mouth! He can sing a song without a music. He brings the music!=) He mae the sounds of cymbals, drum, bass, guitar, synthesizers, beatbox and the harmony only with his mouth. No music tools only some computer editing of his voice (to give effect) All is done with voice of mouth! So, it's counts as acapella..=) He already cover taioi cruz's dynamite, Katy perry's firework and the best one is here --> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wlW5c4tInvY (Teenage Dream & Just The Way You Are "MOUTH" Cover)

5. Farid Alhadi
Farid Alhadi
    The last one is the recently i founded. This guy farid alhadi, i don't know where he is come from, I hope Indonesia (haha), but i suddenly like his music when open his video. I accidentally found his video while i was searching for the video of Glee's Cover of Rebbeca Black's Friday (really love this glee cover). When i enter the keyword friday glee, one of the post is this farid guy video. I try to open it, and i just love it. I think his voice is not superior, but i don't know why his music is just good. Try to open it --> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H8QCg6e0vag He mashup this friday song with justin bieber's baby. Beside friday-baby, he already do the cover for Justin Bieber's That Should Be Me, I hope he do more good covers in the future..=)

Well i think they are the "Youtube Artists" according to my eyes and ears..=) I don't know which one do you like, just let me know if you found another good singer in youtube.  And since i'm in a hurry, i'm sorry that my writting is not too good here, the layout is standard too.. haha.. And sorry if i have some grammatical error, ii'm just trying to practice my english..=) Okay, i gotta go to have a new haircut in an hour.. See you later bloggers..=) Don't forget to dropped a comment. Thx.
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Hi Beautiful Girls! Sean Kingston Hadir di Indonesia!

Hari ini adalah hari yang mengejutkan, selain terkejut melihat jam di pagi hari (telat bangun dan berangkat kerja) ternyata saya juga terkejut melihat Sean Kingston berada di gedung Trans TV. Iya, saat saya bertugas di program Derings dan !nsert, penyanyi R&B  yang mirip dengan teman saya ini nongol dan bikin heboh penonton..=) Walaupun kemarin sempat denger Sean akan ke Indonesia, saya ngga begitu percaya, tapi sekarang saya baru percaya, karena udah di depan mata.. hehe.. Jadi ceritanya, si Sean kemarin malam telah menginjakan kaki di Jakarta, dan hari ini dia mampir ke TransTV untuk promoin konsernya yang akan diadakan di Jakarta 23 September nanti. Saat di interview di !nsert mengenai pendapatnya tentang Indonesia, dia bilang kalau dia suka Indonesia, katanya orang-orangnya ramah dan menyenangkan (entah apa pendapatnya tentang trafficnya Jakarta.. Haha..) Ini adalah kali pertama Sean Kingston datang ke Indonesia. Annndd.. about the concerttt..... Silakan simak yang ada di bawah..=)

How is The Concert?
Sean akan menghibur masyarakat Jakarta di Istora Senayan, Kamis, 23 September nanti.. Sebagai penambah kemeriahan, akan ada musisi-musisi lain yang juga tergabung dalam konser ini, seperti Iwa K, Gaden Marten, Dan DJ Schizo yang tergabung dalam grup Sound of Beat (SOB), nanti juga akan ada Joe Flizzow, Altimet, Sonaone dan DJ CZa dari Malaysia yang tergabung dalam project Kartel. Open gate konser akan dilakukan pada pkl.16.00, dan tiket bisa didaptkan dengan harga Rp. 500.000 untuk tribun, Rp. 600.000 untuk festival, dan Rp.1.000.000 untuk VIP. Pemesanan tiket atau keterangan lebih lanjut silakan hubungi (021) 5220878. Tiket juga bisa dibeli on the spot, tapi kalo nggak mau kehabisan mending kamu buruan pesen aja deh..  Aku nggak tahu pastinya apa tiket udah habis atau belum tapi kalau mau jelasnya hubungi di sana nomor di atas.

He's Coming to Surabaya Too!

Setelah cari-cari informasi, ternyata penyanyi lagu Beautiful Girl ini juga akan menggelar tikar (baca: konser) di Surabaya lo.. Tepatnya di Grand City, (exhibition center) gedung baru yang berada di depan delta plaza itu.. Jadi setelah tanggal 23 konser di Jakarta, dia akan terbang ke Surabaya untuk konser pada tanggal 25 September 2010 . Untuk yang di Surabaya pemesanan tiket dan info, kalian bisa menghubungi  Blowfish di 031-5023001, 081938385840, 08563089986
Harga tiket lebih murah dari yang di Jakarta, yaitu berkisar antara 200-300 ribu an.. Sooo.. Arek-arek Suroboyo seng seneng Sean Kingston kudu teko yo!^^ Jarang2 artis luar negeri dateng ke Surabaya (biasanya Jakarta melulu). Soo, i think that's all a little information from me about Sean Kingston's concert.. Hope it'll be useful for you guys.. Thx bloggers for reading..=)
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Buat para cowok-cowok, setelah nonton ini yang pede ya!^^

Hai bloggers, hari ini sekalian nulis post keduaku deh.. Skali lagi thanx karena udah mampir di blog yang sederhana ini... Ada satu film nih yang mau aku share, waktu aku beli DVDnya, aku sekadar tertarik karena judulnya.. "She's Out of My League" yang di kalimat ini artinya dia di luar "wilayahku", atau mungkin bisa diartikan "jangkauanku" .. Rasanya minder banget ya judulnya..=p But after i watched it, really, it's a good film..=)


Haha.. Film ini bercerita tentang seorang cowok "cupu" yang tiba-tiba, entah kenapa seorang cewek yang cantik, jelita, sexy, nan rupawan menyukai dia.. Dibanding dengan cewek ini, cowok itu tidak ada apa-apanya.. Sang cewek adalah seorang wanita yang cantik, kaya, pandai bekerja, dan disukai banyak pria.. Sedangkan cowok satu ini, kurus, wajah pas-pasan, dan kerjaannya adalah penjaga di Airport.. Dan minta balikan ama mantannya aja dia ditolak karena nggak kaya.. Jauh banget..=)

Temen-temennya sering mengolok-olok dia, mereka bilang kalo nilai si cowok cuma 5, sedangkan cewek tersebut nilainya 10! Jadi angka 5 dan 10 itu terlalu jauh, jelas mereka ga mungkin bisa bersatu! Cewek seperti itu tidak mungkin terjangkau!


Ternyata walaupun ia tidak memiliki body keren, uang yang banyak, dan pekerjaan yang begitu hebat, Kirk (si cowok) tetap disukai oleh Molly (cewek bernilai 10 itu). Molly menyukainya karena ia adalah pria yang jujur, tidak aneh-aneh, dan tulus. Jadilah mereka berpacaran dan mengagetkan dunia persilatan.. Orang tua, saudara, teman-teman dan mantan kekasih Kirk tidak percaya kalau si "cupu"ini dapat meluluhkan hati Molly..
Tapi di tengah-tengah hubungan mereka, masalah mulai timbul, kebanyakan disebabkan oleh sikap minder Kirk yang terlanjur berpikir bahwa dirinya terlalu cupu buat Molly. Well, singkat cerita masalah itu terselesaikan dan film berakhir happy ending..=)

Jadi cowok yang pede aja, yang penting jalan kita benar, jujur, ga aneh-aneh, punya niatan baik, maka
 cewek juga pasti ada yang suka.. Memang kita nggak harus meraih cewek "malaikat", tapi kita juga nggak perlu minder dengan kekurangan kita.. Kalo masalah uang, itu bisa dicari selama kita rajin.. Kalo masalah body, itu bisa dibentuk kalo kita rajin fitnes.. Kalo soal tampang, walau emang agak susah, tapi kalo kita punya banyak kelebihan, itu juga ga jadi masalah yang besar..=)

Anyway, it's a good film.. Lucu, menghibur, dan juga ada pesan yang bagus.. tonton aja deh.. Sekian deh postingan saya tentang film ini.. Semoga infonya berguna buat yang baca..=)

She's Out of My League

Directed by:Jim Field Smith
Jay Baruchel
Alice Eve
Krysten Ritter
T.J. Miller
Mike Vogel
Nate Torrence
Distributed by:Paramount Pictures
Genres:Comedy Romance Teen

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Hai bloggers.. Thanx udah mampir di blog saya yang sederhana ini.. Di post pertama aku mau bahas tentang album yang baru aku beli... Bagi yang belum tahu, smoga bisa jadi yang info menarik..=)

Minggu lalu saat jalan-jalan di sebuah pusat perbelanjaan aku denger satu toko yang muterin lagu She Will be Loved - Maroon 5, tapi yang membuat aku tertaik adalah lagu ini dinyanyiin seorang cewek.. Dan ternyata lagu itu diaransemen ulang menjadi sebuah lagu akustik, yaitu lagu dengan iringan gitar saja.. Setelah aku mampir dan tanya album apa sih itu, si penjual menunjukkan aku CD ini...

Title: I Love Acoustic (Intimate Interpretations of Your Favorite Hits)
Artist: Sabrina
Label: MCA - Universal Records
Released: 2008
Number of Tracks: 17

Album ini berjudul I love Acoustic, selain She Will Be Loved dalam album ini terdapat banyak lagu-lagu yang sudah populer  yang dinyanyikan ulang oleh Sabrina (sang penyanyi) dengan iringan akustik yang ringan dan enak didengar di saat santai.. Lagu-lagu yang ada antara lain Superman, You're Beautifulnya James Blunt, I'm With You nya Avril Lavigne, Umbrella, dll.. Semuanya sangat easy listening.. =)
Kalau mau lihat lengkapnya lihat di gambar sebelah tuh lagu-lagunya.. Sekarang tiap malam selalu kuputar lagu-lagu itu untuk menemani tidur.. Nice songs.. Cocok buat yang insom, tapi ga cocok buat yang lagi patah hati, bisa tambah nangis..=p

 Sabrina sang penyanyi adalah cewek asal Filipina yang memiliki nama asli Roli Alexandra Orial, aku nggak tau apa dia main gitarnya sendiri sambil nyanyi ato cuma nyanyi aja, tapi yang pasti dia cukup sukses dengan albumnya yang pertama, dan akhirnya di tahun 2009 dia mengeluarkan album keduanya yang tidak kalah menarik.. Album kedua diberi nama "I Love Acoustic Too" .. Di album ini juga banyak lagu-lagu keren yang dibawakan dalam aransemen akustik, antara lain stickwitu, I'm Yours nya Jason Mraz, Bleeding Love nya Leona Lewis, Poker Facenya Lady Gaga, sampai Insomnianya Craig David..

So, kalo kalian suka lagu-lagu di atas, suka lagu-lagu remake, dan suka lagu-lagu akustik, cari deh CDnya, I Love Acoustic! Hope it's a useful info.. thx for reading..=)
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